Blogs from March, 2018

Researchers in Australia have made a connection between domestic violence and disabled women who are living with traumatic brain injuries. A news report in The Sydney Morning Herald gives the example of a woman who suffered a serious brain injury after being assaulted by her stepfather with a claw hammer. When she suffered the injury, about 20 years ago, her left eye stopped working, she was in a wheelchair and she had no use of her left arm. She can’t use her left arm to this day.

Lifelong Injuries Caused by Violence

Domestic violence advocates say last year alone, 47 women died violently in Australia, most of them in domestic disturbance situations. While advocacy groups keep tabs on domestic violence deaths, they say, they don’t have a good way to count the number of women who suffer catastrophic injuries such as brain injuries that have an impact on them for the rest of their lives. There is also little to no research with regard to traumatic brain injuries that are caused by domestic violence. Now, research groups in Australia are beginning to look into this connection and seeing how women who have been affected can have access to resources and support services.

Man hurting the woman

Domestic Violence Cases – What You Need to Know

There are a number of things you need to know particularly if you have been charged with domestic violence or abuse. It is important to remember that laws and policies are often made to favor victims and survivors. And it’s easy to understand why that’s the case. Victims in general need to be protected and offered support. But, there is no question that there are some who manipulate the legal system to get what they want.

In a domestic violence case, charges will be brought against you even if the victim doesn’t press charges or drop the charges. We often see that one party calls the police in the heat of the moment or when they feel threatened. However, later, when things cool down, the person who brought the charges may decide they don’t want to proceed with the case. But, unfortunately, law enforcement and prosecutors don’t take into consideration such recanting of statements. The prosecution will most often simply proceed with the case, even if the victim doesn’t want to do so.

When a case is filed, the judge will issue a restraining order prohibiting the defendant from contacting the victim. This means you may be forced to leave your home and not have contact with your children. The severity of the domestic violence charges will typically depend on the nature and circumstances of the incident and your prior criminal record. The more severe the victim’s injuries, the more serious the charges are likely to be.

Defending the Charges

There are a number of viable defenses in domestic violence including self-defense and that the charges were made up or not valid. We have seen victims come up with accusations because they want the upper hand in a child custody battle or divorce, or simply as revenge or to get back at the individual. However, the consequences of a domestic violence conviction can be devastating. This is why it is important to get an experienced domestic violence defense lawyer on your side as soon as possible.
